Thursday, March 26, 2020

I came back...

Finally feeling the pieces of me fit... Free to move for I don't need to be missed... I'm able to smile knowing luv left me to dream... No longer a slave to passion driving me to unheard screams... For I've had my moment to feel it breathe as i find what i truly needed... It was i wanting peace from within as i just had to feed it... With sights as clear as far as the eyes can see... I'm me... Moving my feet n making life happen... Sitting all by myself as i chuckle just before i get to laughing... At last what was can be accepted as a chance taken to create life... To enjoy a lil something to ease the mind... N it's calmed the nerves to the comfort of hope liking the fact that it ain't nowhere near over yet... I still have the choice to live as it's me i feel that's cleaned up the mess... It just took a lil time to gather what i thought was lost... I was the one that went in to pay for the outcome of the cost... N it was i that was misdirected by self... No longer am i relying in an other to be the passion that is felt... Here in the now of doing what comes so naturally... Moving without restraints of prior trials n errors that used to cling to my individuality... I've cone back to claim what is to become of the image in the mirror... I matter so i released the burden of emotions that weighs in the heart as fear... I got me once i loosened the thought of what i thought i wanted in my head... I'm the normal i waited to witness in the flesh... Off to wherever i just might linger... Giving birds better known as two unrolled n raised middle fingers...

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