Wednesday, August 7, 2019

What is it u seek.?.

So u wanna know details of who it us that stands before u... To accurately decide how u are to react to what it is u find in tbe loop... From u to me n back around like a boomerang tbat returns... That way u can identify throufh actions of accordingly who i coukd become to ur worth... I get it n i dont mind giving u an insight but there are things ur gonna havta accept ur gonna havta earn... Aint no one lookin to open up jus to wind being hurt... So what is it u seek in tbe digging if my chest.?. Who do u believe me yo be prior to getting to know depths yet ti surface... Yeah, i too have an angke in the wonder that ia curious to ur interst directed in my direction... Yet I'll start by saying imma need someone a lil mor in tuned than jus giving me an erection... As I'd be willing to bet u could use anotger fir more than making u wet... As i assume we need not hild back on a convo jus waiting to pretend we do not have turrets... Able ti speak freely as we share vital lessons tgat created who we are... Or is that not what ur looking for as it's to deep for u ti take part.?. Jus wanting to get close enough to feel someone cute... It's not my thing to keep rollibg around with others losing friend after friend to the rush of the abuse... What intrigues u on some real shit if i may ask.?. As ur staring at me like u wanna dive in without masks... U wanna relate yet fir how long befire u realize im not like anyone you've ever met... As the cgase u follow loses the temptation in ur eyes bcuz u cannot keep uo with what lingers in my chest... Or is it that's all u want.?. To lean in witbout a mental aspect of what it takes to get to ur fantasy called luv... So are u after someone u jus might like.?. With sight willing to communicate with me to somehow enjoy life... Talk n let who it is u are to freely come out n play... Otherwise i ain't even trying to entertain the shallows of ur skin tamed...

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