Sunday, August 25, 2019

only with u...

anything go's when it comes to u... that's what the heart wants to do... whatever comes to be is a gain felt as a truce... jus to feel u closer than air as umove... whenever the moment reaches for smiles lifted up... there's no limits to my willingness... wherever is a mindset craving ur luv... as bounds are not restricted to ur happiness... however it comes about... time is patient to see u come mornings light... forever being the comfort of now... loosening for ur presence to spend long night... together is the bond unbreakable as us... making u an equal in my life... whichever lifestyle we decide to live within as flush... enjoying the yrs to come on one infinite ride... the pleasure is mine as i accept u feel it too... clinging to reasonable stipulation made of common sense... as leisure as putting the work in to make it happen for the sake of emotions on the move... goin further than dreams could ever imagine worth spent... whether good times get rough of bad times lingering on... we as one are the answer to how we coexist... members of a relations on another level of how depths are poured... calming temers with a tone spat from each others voice to ease the tension of this world gone astray... laughing uncontrollably as we're one in the same... neither any lesser than the other as friends trust an honest face... having no restraints to capture who it is we will become side by side saying one another's names...

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