Saturday, August 24, 2019

stage fright...

if i could get it out i would... but i cannot find the words n i'm shook... searching myself over to breathe... digging deeper hoping to say what it is within me... as fear shakes my insides no... pausing the thought process it takes to speak the truth... damn me if i can't move my lips to speak of a truce... as trembles touch sensitivities not ready to be known... unable to loosen up n free what's been gathered while sitting alone... with no escape plan for the comfort is held deep beneath the surface... seems without the linger there's nothing n that i believe to be worthless... so if i could somehow release secrets held in... i'd be in a different mindset looking to remove myself from muted jibs... yet i'm stuck with thoughts roaming through my mind... n as the situation comes up i lose focus as it hides... playing peekaboo with the tongue wanting to taste what's been unseen... unable to get it out for sights to see me... if i could tell it like it is n expose my crutch... i'd luv to scream it at the top of my lungs... it's jus for some unknown reason it doesn't wanna be heard... nor seen due to it's scared of change... or maybe it's evolving from all it knows in its ways... confused i am of the misconception lingering behind my eyes... carried in a heart holding weight of what's hidden as i push through life... petrified to let go of a sooth that touched the texture ever so soft... as i sit n wait to be able to flow with truths stuck in a pause... at the edge of moving forward... i stare at the one thing that resembles horror... looking away from mirrors thy tongue reaching into the back of my throat to grab a hold of what chokes me... desperately needing to rid myself of a burden lost in my dreams... catering to the stage fright of something new... in a world of who's who clinging to their own curtain to hide from the woo's...

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