Monday, August 19, 2019

mission failed...

i understand that look...
reading me like a book...
thinking u have me figured out...
oh how cute are the words to come from your mouth...
trying to prove i'm just like everyone else...
just because love within me is earned before fell...
due to i'm not looking for a damn thing...
i must be hurt...
or somehow lost my own self worth...
as it's never i just rather have a little me time...
to enjoy me some of my own fucking time...
i comprehend your thought process well...
and how your out to show the world how everyone fell...
to become this thing you say you are not...
firing shots...
having a twisted mentality of trust gone astray...
hiding the fact of others you truly hate...
attempting to point out flaws to make yourself feel like you're right...
with your self gratification poking at others lives...
wanting people to witness what's behind the scenes...
as they fail to realize you are as broken as the distance between you and your dreams...
going around taking your own choices out on everyone else...
all because some dip shit reached in and had nothing to do with what they felt...
leaving you to expose hidden details of what you believe is real...
taking away the line of sight from your own ordeal...
claiming you're not bitter one bit...
like the smile you wear doesn't need a face lift...
you carelessly direct your attention at something you do not know...
becoming frustrated with the lack of evidence to be told...
forced to accept i am just what your eyes see...
as the frustration in your expressions crave to speak of me as if i lie...
unable to feel better about who you are hitting a brick wall...
i guess is you just cannot win them all...
and that creates a drive to pursue our tongue to provoke inner intentions...
hoping to put me on display for your belief of suspicions...
slow to realize you havta move on to someone you have pegged...
all because you couldn't trigger me just by pulling my leg...
needing the shallows to open up for depths to emerge...
yet for the idiocy i just have no need to give a worth...

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