Friday, April 24, 2020

Then n now...

Careless with time as moments pass on by... Not knowing their true meaning until the heart meddles with the mind... Forcing the images to notices noticed Wyatt was overlooked... Wanting to give anything to go back so thoughts can be shook... To have one more chance to appreciate who deserved to feel more than this world has to give... In a round two where the real ones live... Yet glimpses of then n now rotate in the space between the ears... As today somehow gets away like the days of yesterday when trying to enjoy each one making memories that cheer... Not needing to repeat the past n allow another minute to escape... Knowing there's only have one shot to create a smile before life itself fades... As age sneaks in n changes the face of young to old... Attempting not to sell out though money talks so it's self being sold... With expressions unseen due to the distance in the middle of a hope that cares to see them soon... Jus to witness them living in their own movement feeling free to find a groove... N yet strangers drift needing to find their own way as even death comes to call... With precious photos to remember the good times hung upon the walls... It seems in the still frames is where we somehow get lost... In a wonder where mouthing can return to the way once upon a time ago was somewhat paused... Causing an after effect that lingers deep in the chest... Leaving a question, did we do all wet could to allow others to see our best.?.

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