Saturday, April 25, 2020

Losin it...

Only if someone could reach in behind the smile... Down deep to feel what's truly goin on in the wild...
Scaring the heart from ever wanting to be used... Yet would it even help the cut the edges loose.?. When the thickened texture only needs to be soften by a single touch... The wonder fades knowing no one can get in to ever be considered someone to be luv'd... Though the thought is nice when the mind gets to playimg with delusions... Until the tragic truth awakens the feel that corrupted the chest with illusions... Never to properly enjoy the falling for its believed to go all the way through... Back to rock bottom as self is to lose passion hung from a noose... Set on display to be reminded of why ores not ok to open up... Damn, the linger aches when like can never evolve into luv... When shame of being unable to feel any fuckin thing... When others witness the failure to comply that fades with eyes that leak... Is it possible to wipe away the final tear so life can continue to live the way one felt it so long ago.?.  Where in the fuck is home.?......................

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