Wednesday, September 4, 2019

what's good.?.

leaving is an option if u ever decide to forget that i am ur friend...
being mistreated isn't something i wanna attend...
spent emotions ain't for the taking without the consideration in tones...
as acts of motions deliver proof far beyond the creation of moans...
hope jus can't be the thrill that i'll stand for jus any ol fuckin thing...
for the balance of worth on both ends of relations has no relevance to wearing rings...
it's either u have what it takes to consider me as a positive presence or it's over...
time i do not have to waste on some prat time, half azz, selfish kinda luv'r...
so telling u bye won't be shit no matter how i feel with a slap on the knee...
once i have seen ur true intent it's the makings of a moment to decide who u are to me...
i'll chuckle as i walk out of ur life for good come the day i ain't shit to u...
so feel free to collaborate what position i am to carry before i cut u loose...
a burden of drama based bs always having an issue with details u can go fuck yourself with...
have some interest deeper than the luv u seek can flow...
for when the hype wears off it'll be u n i standing face to face alone...
as eyes will witness how u come from within...
so i can determine what's good for me escaping the loony bin...
hate is no comfort of mine to live by to fill ur disruptive train of thought...
i need a more soothing ease that's natural to the touch if imma go soft...
i can stay or i can go...
i do not intend to entertain a foe...

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