Sunday, September 29, 2019

on the hunt...

i've been trying to find pieces of me for quite some time...
digging in to aquire the fragments blown into particles somewhere here in life...
as the puzzle of me slowly comes back into view...
a different version of me resembles who i used to be removed...
as if a stranger to the one in the mirror as still as stares can wait...
looking for answer in my own eyes jus before questions fade...
knowing the clown is the same as the mime muted as if there is no tongue...
silent for words have no need to create a voice until i define the hush...
goin in as deep as depths can be felt to evolve...
lingering with the satisfaction of becoming who i am to be as a problem solved...
reaching for a foundation in which transforms truths upon my face...
as the display settles the nerve beneath the skin unseen by sights that gaze...
there's a new version to come from the hidden expression held in for that right moment to be...
as i search the most sacred places within me...
feeling my way along the walls in the dark knowing the morning will come...
n when i awaken life will once again be so much fun...

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