Tuesday, September 3, 2019

as i smile in disbelief...

 as i smile in disbelief...
tell me how it's gonna be... yet speak to me like i'm that mutha fucka that u allowed ruin ur dreams... it's all good to know how it is... so go ahead n talk down on me like i'm one of ur kids... u can do so much better while ur all alone... lookin at social media every night through ur phone... say it like it really is... n show what it is you've become as i listen to the chattering of ur lips... always on edge as if imma do whatever i can to hurt u... seen as a threat to ur way not wanting to change for a better use... all bcuz u believe we're all the fuckin same... what a fuckin shame...n funny ur young havta look at what broken truly is... diggin into their heads before they ever have a moment to live... it's more sad than pathetic n that's jus as real as it gets... something u claim to be about while ur worth is a mess... yet i'm good for a couple of rounds so u can attempt to prove ur point... jus don't be surprised if i ain't what once filled ur void... leaving u hopeless n miserable bcuz u forgot who u were... even making flirting awkward as it's two birds... yeah i know, u don't need no one n all that shit... but u fail to admit the feelings u possess n what it is u miss... u try to act hard as some self proclaimed bitch... n u don't care to see yourself for u are not weak as u spit... as every other word is a chip at ex luv'rs that can't be heard... ur not as strong as u pretend to be as the truth in ur eyes lurks... fighting yourself in the mirror acting out what character u are to become... oooh, what fun... i bet that comforts u late at night... while ur snuggled up cussing prior memories for not pulling through with life... so jab me a jibber of what a man is to be... since u know how to conduct yourself like a woman with a fowl tone aimed at me...

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