Thursday, August 9, 2018

In the next phase.!.

Where is home.?. When the kids are all grown... Gone as the feeling of alone grows... Where is it you'll be known.?. When the solitude awakens the lonely nights of wonder... Listening the solo pounds thunder... Sitting around as the body doesn't get any thinner... What are u gonna do with those long cold azz fuckin winters.?. As the family you've been with for how many yrs leaves the nest... Jus the feeling of ur heart as it gets hidden within the chest... Playing your mind with thoughts of curiousities emotionally fed... Without the comfort of a body willing to spend some time as a friend... Who is it you will become on your own terms n conditions.?. Taking individuality on a ride of a lifetime claiming self doesn't want directions... Finding it to be the only lie up n under the tongue tucked bcuz there is no such thing as perfections... Jus others peeping with unknown intensions... Once the lil ones become if she n are doin what it is they do... Which life is it you will choose.?. N for how long will it take to recognize if it's for you... One day you'll wake up as reality has changed as it seems everyone went poof.!.

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