Thursday, November 16, 2017

Ups n downs...

People thought Butch was fuckin sound... Yet the middle of the chaos of life being turned upside down the j.o.b. was locked in as I was found... Diggin in to hurry the process so life can get back on track... Turnin corners n goin through New ideas that didn't work due to the lack of interest to help a friend with the facts... I neva slipped jus stumbled a bit... Felt every fuckin piece of that shit lookin up ticklin my own fuckin rib... Tryin to hold the balance of human intent together for the teeter had a special affect... Knowin better than the best the worst played along with an opened chest... As the weight lifted with me interactin n the past laughin back at the past... Time ran its azz off the the clock as it's me time to counter the attack...

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