Monday, February 15, 2010

yellow sticky notes

wirtting in red on yellow sticky notes, scattered n pined up throughout my mind like a puzzle disassembled purposely to piece the thought of you back together, so i will remember your every curve. i cant help thinking as im laying and lounging, fighting time on this lonely hammock, just to unwind on just da thought of you in fishnet stockings and candles in which the flames are lightly flickering the dimness that is bouncing off the rose petals tossed on the bed, pulling an overwhelming joy upon your face, that gazes in your eyes, a little piece of happiness that your unable to hide. and i notice that your short of breath, and at a loss of words, laying down to stretch out in the lovethat is filling the room, you begin staring up, rolling around in the breezy midnight air, your making me feel faint, wanting to fall into you, so deep in, so far from returning, i just want to get to the bottom of all this flirting, and dreaming in the middle of the day, wondering why we've never found the time to try and slide like silk acrossed each others fingertips, slowly gliding swiftly and steadily around the moment in which we twist together in a touch and feel statement that becomes more than a night of passion shared by lovers in the act of showing an overwhelming feeling of surrender to the revealing facts of love thrusting from the hips. tasting one another lips. knowing we're about to take a trip into a night we will neve soon return.

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