Monday, February 15, 2010

The Stare

Shape shifting images, confusing the reality in my mind. Leaving me with a dead careless stare. Forcing me to fire off long blank observations of nothing before me. I am left with an empty dumb founded face. Emotionslees expressions froze as if paused by time. Breaking down the will power to crack a smile. I do not understand and I can not comprehend what the hell is going on. As my mouth is hung open, slobbering. Fixated on what may happen if I were to look away. But there is nothing to examine in the distance, let alone the obvious space before me that i believe is left to watch me seek out patterns in the wind. Like I just flew the cookoos nest. And yet I still search without visions as smoke crashes into my eyes. Burning my pupals down to the iris' as my retnas collapse along with my eyelids, forcing me back into the real world. Ouch! WTF? And at tis time I remember, I am so fucking high...........Don't do drugs.

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