Monday, February 15, 2010

wen is nuff, nuff?

wat has da world cum 2 wen sex has cum 2 b evrything but 2nd nature 2 a nympho? is sh!t dat f*ck*d up in his world like hes bein forced 2 let go?
wit 2 much bcumin more stress den he can handle 4 1 man 2 carry in da middle of da nights. 2nd guessin da path hes traveled cuz its lead him 2 life dats burryin him alive. chest constantly emplodin so no1 can c wat his hearts goin thru day 2 day. needin a friend 2 talk 2 4 a conversation could b key 2 relax his brain. takin away all da thoughts dat jus may b goin 2 an imaginary hell b4 their time is up. wens it gonna stop? wen is nuff, nuff? n y does dis road seem like an endless sentence is losin its fun? y does it seem i dont feel anything half da time wen i am filled wit so much life? mayb a simple touch could make da soundless nights fade b4 da mornin cuts thru da blinds like a knife. wheres da eyes i seek n does my situation evn mattr as it appears bhind da mirrors in a mind dat isnt mine? on my way is wat i keep sayin evrtime i feel dis way, n i cant seem 2 hold it 2gethr da longer da days grind. i dont think any1 undastands bcuz i dont let em in, its saffer dat way. i need not bother em wit my childish like wines dat only i can hear as i sit on da edge of my stay n wonder, wat else is there 2 say?

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