Friday, December 17, 2021

Brief talks...

Eased back. Letting their phase evolve. Just trying to be a friend. Something real enough to wait until they're problems are solved. Conversation speaks. Relating to life. Showing who self is. Then they're off to the rush of another making them feel alive. Ignored is the becoming. To be reminded of the gimme gimme mentality. Watching words and actions collide anther hopeful thought forgotten in the middle of reality.  Patience. You witness then gather themselves. Bcuz relations aren't so easy. But it's just another moment where they needed some help. Someone to listen. Brining reason to the pain of choices made. Using been told to heal isn't gonna happen overnight. As they taste the sound of another's name. Like a strong stone. As is trying to be respectful. Wanting to see if they have it in them to round out. As getting back to self first without being resentful. With words that help. A connection comes to be. Defining a stable knowing of each other. N then life they never existed they never make it to be a memory. Sad truths of a mindful man. Aware of others emotions needing to be felt at all costs. Through the lonely stage they talk a lot. Just to dismiss the content of wants and needs they can't be helped. They just wanna be heard. Noticed by someone who gets the facts. And in they're reincarnation they simply cannot wait. Not on someone willing give time a chance. So they too don't covering up old feelings and bs with smiles forced upon the face. It's an attention thing but it's cool. Closing to see someone but refuse to grow as an individual. It's always that fresh sense of cheep thrills that concurs the heart. Turning away from the mental aspect of what it takes to be subliminal...

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