Saturday, July 11, 2020

In u go...

Into my chest ur comfort is pressed... I can feel u digging in nonetheless... Trying to reach me from the outside where we mingle on life... Deeper ur face sinks wanting to be claimed as mine... To somebow be buried in my heart bypassing the alarms... As u flow through me like a vibe having charm... U ride a pulse thumping so raw... With a sigh u open up the gates of luv... Baring me to a dare to step to the rush... Oh how soothing u are to the life within not wanting to hide... Luring intent to surface for a friend is actually liked... As u are as still as hope holding on to home... It's in the way u cling to never wanting to leave me alone... Like ur search for the unknown has come to happy lil moans... Resurrecting a want that needs to breathe in peaceful tones... Beneath the texture kissed is where u believe u should live... Behind the walls of my mind that has so much to give... So u apply a sensation to a stroke on the skins as a flirtation... Triggering depths to smile as if u are passions salvation... In u go to retrieve a sacred version on me... Determined to caress me from the inside out with fingertips that ease... All by standing still with ur eyes closed enjoying the thrill... Falling for who i am as truths begin to spill... Leaking a tear that even i cannot hear... Yet i know for certain it is not i u fear... You've found trust in the way we meat in the middle held flush... As the silence speaks of a special kinda unwritten poem not quite yet spoken of... Standing on my feet as if i were a tree... All for a chance to be as one with me...

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