Friday, July 10, 2020

Corrections made...

Somewhere in my head something went seriously wrong.... N now even i feel i don't belong... As my heart no longer wants any more chaos... It's free from the tragedies of self inflicted riots.  Thoughts aren't what they were back when luv was appealing... For a friend is what time lacked to find n collaborate within feelings... N beautiful cannot be worn on a face to confuse the eyes of depths... I lost me to visual displays that haunted me in the texture beneath my chest... As hope sealed itself within wounds no one could ever see... N now i cannot remember the real me who had given up on how everyone eventually leaves... Something clicked n i felt my beliefs braek off to save what was left... To correct myself for character took a shot not knowing how too respond to the pain that was only a test... I changed into a better version of what stands before u here today... As me auth a peaceful expression displayed upon my face...

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