Sunday, June 7, 2020

In need...

In need of a go to to settle down in the middle of life... A friend like no other who luv's wth a balance of heart n mind... Jus to go home to a smile waiting to see my face... To have normal hold on to the fire of a single flame embraced... In need emotion wants to feel in ways ours been cheated for so long... To own up to trust giving purpose to relate to a stranger that's come along... As hope rises the closer i get n falls with every presence that must not go on... For the awareness of the use if happiness conflicts with relations ti be born... In need is a comfort to ease sighs released so freely... Creating a design within passion that lasts longer than one is breathing... A must have is awaited if situations could jus align so both participants can relax n jus live... Feeling the undeniable crave of undisputed belief of what an other has to give... In need thoughts wanna rest knowing self is where self should be... With wants that come from the ribs enjoyment within me... Able to touch a real person in tune with me accepting them in the way they are... As the magic in between us isn't so many worlds apart...

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