Sunday, June 7, 2020


When the heart wants to speak, one hasta allow truth to touch the sound of words... From the silence whispers grow into a voice with a purpose to be more than heard... So the listening can be felt for emotion is real when situatuins change a reality cut short... For outta the depths of the chest that is beaten by memories fighting to live that have no reason to go on anymore... As it goes on n on with tales that have drained it of pure intent... N when it's had enough, passion gets frustrated with a tongue moving frantically as if a puppet... When the char is scrapped from the burn the flame torched... When the healing seals up what remains to be strained to attain sensitive scars so easily torn... The mind itself needs a moment to pause n step aside from the suppresion to ease up... Freeing thoughts that create a reaction jus wanting to be luv'd...

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