Saturday, December 8, 2018

was to am...

i wonder who i would've become if luv could've found me way back when... in a prior mindset before the disbelief in others took affect... seems there's times i don't feel like the same person staring off into the distance where nothing really exists... jus thoughts trapped in my head that confuse who i've become as there is no reset... i wander through life thinking of who i coulda been if i woulda waited until something real was to touch me first... then again those who've reached for me had their mark for so long on my heart i had to go in n remove them from my worth... long live the inner makings corrected other than who came of the stipulations of the change... damn life went astray on an emotional level n took the rest of everything about me down to the bitter ends so i knew my limits of pain... only if to go back i could resurrect my old self n hold on to the freedom i once lived with mentally... things didn't turn out the way i envisioned before the taken took me on a ride causing a rippling tide that swallowed me eventually... as i sit n look around n there's no one close enough after exerting passion the length of wants that surpassed the ends of me... yet, i have grown n matured so i guess a piece of mind rounded me out in  a special kinda way so i can truly be independently free...

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