Friday, December 28, 2018

redefined as the stray...

goin to far in to remember how good life truly is... somehow it's self that is forgotten in the mix... stirred like a potion to simmer on bubbling thoughts comin to the surface... reminded of the boilin in the hearts rhythmic remains... only to realize the anticipation of hope was misdirected so the release sheds weight quick... as the unrecognized figure starin back transforms with a smile taking control of the lips... happy in a solo mindset to correct what's been endured through a healing pleasure havin purpose... unable to reveal to the world a true loss has taken kindly to the beauty of luv... misplaced is friends with enclosing walls that never move to shakin eyes... believin too much into the feel of the immaturity within the hype... gone... mentally strung out on the illness known as emotion... 
the weakness tenders to give a sting that irritates passion desired all along... on a repeat cycle spinning around in a loop slowly losing devotion... as self takes blow after swung impact simply strong enough to stand up n accept choices resolve the tips of the upside of the frowns arch... peeping the effect others are allowed to reap upon the features that have disrupted remarks... negatively disgruntle with signs of resentment hidden knowing it's ok to be alone to get to back to what's best... dismissing the individual from the situation that lingers on as long as comfort is kept... hanging on until life wakens up after that one time way back when reason was thought to be a friendly gesture... recalling who resides becomes a factor on levels for the mind to fester... evacuation.!. goin under reevaluation.!. growin disconnected with the plan beneath the pulse... aiming stares at the reflections to reclaim a moment to pause... sssh... we all get lost... 

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