Saturday, December 15, 2018

Left in the past...

It's having to remember them as the are... Forced to decide against a life with them knowing they remain in the heart... The few that fail to live up to the trust given away... As intent slowly comes out to show its selfish ways... Living with their face implanted in the mind... Believing if it wasn't the pain, they had what it took... To bring forth the best we have to offer that felt the blow of fingertips rewriting our own book... N the ways they will be missed jus isn't fair... But to go on living with them as enough jus isn't cared... It's a lost cause to make game of memories to be forgotten... There's no sense in the mind goin rotten... Feeling emotions hurt isn't self applying the pressure to nerves... N it damn sure isn't them that isn't being heard... For keeping it real from the start seems be a lil tad bit to much for them to relate... Hiding secrets within their own that fall like rain... Touching every inch of passion shared as daggers dig in... Once held so close becomes a thought we cannot shake from within... For the attachment drifts as loose as time will forever remain... N there jus isn't any point in placing blame... Jus living as the voided friend we believed came along... Thinking, wow, we were so fucking wrong... Due to true friends not have it in them to lie of things that will break the bond... No matter the topic is as if self is robbed... Replacing the joy that once felt them roam so free... To the refusal of allowing them to continue to be that need... Ties must be cut as they remain to gather choices to be made... Creating results of a past without ever again saying their name...Chattering fuck it than to relive daily of  how they caused the endings of grief... As we must go on without what was supposed to be...