Monday, December 31, 2018


no one truly gives a fuck or even cares... they jus want someone to notice them... all in their feelings as eyes carry tears... thinking they're some kinda magical gem... lonely n caught up in emotional malfunctions... pointing fingers at others as if they never had a choice to decide how life was to go... being their own dysfunctional distraction... acting like no other can tell they've allowed themselves to become broken as life without them flows... wanting a pity party bcuz shit didn't turn out the way they'd hoped... looking back at the world with discomfort in a stare... attempting to hide the pain of better times that went up in smoke... pretending everything is ok when they know damn well it starts with self gaining control of the heads lair... yet it's easier to live in torture hanging on to old flames that will never be again.. judging others for not being like the greater side of partners they simply cannot live up to... no longer wanting to believe life will round out as they get stuck in a mindset killing the vibe of the hearts stance... lost n going to waste by chance of moving on not coming along due to the refusal of living loose... faking the feel of worth in the mirror creating confusion they cannot sidestep... but as long as it's behind closed doors where the can lie to themselves it's ok... as it is a process to regain the corrupted indulgence in self inflicted nonsense... n some even feel the need to gain sympathy in the situation to enjoy the fame...

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