Thursday, June 12, 2014


To luv in a way ones never luvd before.
In a different kinda mindset that wants more.
Turnin around inside the noggin.
Changin the password to the heart so am other can log in.
Findin which direction self is comin from within.
Jus to visualize what angle luv witnesses me explodin.
So I to not only knew where I'm comin from.
But how the man in me is seen brushin off bein so numb.
Tryin to accept emotions runnin as wild as life.
With so many reasons n ways to become a better version out from the shadow of the hype.
As a new path has been dug into the hearts core.
For the flows current captures the now explored.
Standin outside the thoughts that may be misleadin.
Jus for a greater purpose to show what's truly relievin.
In front of confrontin tune starin down confessions wantin to change.
Joiin to feel in return an equal maturity exchanged.

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