Sunday, January 2, 2011

this thing

creativity outta wake. @ a loss for words. minds been a lil busy. minds been wrapped around u. thoughts givin in on tryin to find true love. now before me. i can not explain it. this mind blowin episode of hearts connectin. this thing of feelin so utterly complete. i need not to disect anything this time around. it feels so right. in ways where i have become satisied. content in whom it is i kiss. that one thing that is so small but means so much. i get lost in ur eyes. n am mezmoriesed by ur face n the way u are. blank stares form upon my face. expressin this thing that seems to have become so real. unbelievable real. til u whipser ilu. n my heart feel a beat skipped n lost somewhere within the vein. windin up sort of breath. as if i choke on the after effects of somethin so pure. i havn't a doubt in my mind where this thing is headed. u are the one i've been waitin on my whole life. n time has finally come to realize such a love exists. one that gives meanin to each n every letter of it's existance. from the touch to the power of fulfillment. i have learned many things on my way back to u. now ready so i don't hurt u. i have grown into a man with meanin n purpose. behind every word shapin my mouth. i have created me for me for u to enjoy. it's funny how things turn out. we were taken from one an other yrs ago. n this thing we hold together is stronger than i've ever felt. misplacin the one thing i am so good at. riddlin a rhyme for the mouth to taste. n i don't know how you've always done it. but i like this thing we have.

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