Monday, November 8, 2010

this is that moment

this is our moment to shine. if we can make it through this, nothing can outlast our love. not even the day we die. this is the moment i told you i was waiting on.the one i know for a fact that it is real. you coming home was like speaking without a sound. and i am someone different as i stand beside you today. let me be the man you seek. for you are the glue that keeps me from falling apart. love is a powerful thing if you know how to use it. and now that my eyes are truly open. there is no one that could ever do what you have done to me. you lit my world up the day you we met. and i have not been the same man since. it is hard to find what i believe we have grown into. and this is our test. our fight for us. fight with me. lets go at this thing heads up. our time is now. moments like this is what makes or breaks love trying to grow. feel me in your heart and find if it is in it, where i belong. this is the moment that will give us the hope and the future of love. ilu.

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