It Is Mine
My heart, it can be given out on a loan. As sad as it may seem, it's the
only way. Kind of like in need of payments, getting only what i put into time. One little bit at a time. Only with love in return. My private region can be fun for just one. To have and hold as their very own, for as long as they may wish to be that one. "But my mind, it is mine". It is my play ground captured by me for whatever may run in love, lust, fear, or dust. Just roaming. Out of harms way, sheltered by skull one will have to beat in to ge
t me out. You see, I trust no one but me. I am the only one that can't hurt self. I'd be a fool to do such a thing. Time is short enough without the pain. I don't need it. Have all you can handle. Just do me one thing as I ask as a man. A human as well as you stand and say you are. Forget my name. I can feel everything I touch. Physically, mentally, emotionally scared wanting one more breath of air. I hold out for truth and knowing what life really means deep inside this shell of a man. so have me as your very own. Pleasure yourself as you so do. Yet again, what goes in the head stays in the head until time is right. There is a time and place for everything. That I do believe. Family is a wa
ste of lies. Bound my blood to cast fake smiles obligated to deal with stupidity sucking the life out of happiness. I really don't need it. But I want it. Bad. Friends are rare that seem to fade time going on time lost in the chaos. This not about one's wrong doings. Nor being happy or sad. This is me in words that will never shy from less than what you get in the flesh.....................I am all me. Sharing my shell in which protects what matters the most. Everythi
ng I'm willing to give with true emotion. With direct answers, leaving not an once of wonder explains what you can not see in actions repeated and time can not take away. So have at me as i feel something worth seconds adding up to be everything we could possibly be. My chest lays naked, pumping vibes beating and knocking to a rhythm orchestrated to ease thy heart in what only appears to be a cruel world. And again my physical presents is alawys here for the touch to tease me into an out of controlling spiral in arms of a face I may or may not know. Ready and willing to have a little play time I won't soon forget. But what is mine is who I am, it's as I st
and is how I see one's face accepting or attempting to change thee into what they are looking for. I can not be a perfect little marionette. With strings pulling my arms into a false state of control of self forced motion and selfless gratification. Living for what another wants out of me. Sorry, you get what you deserve when I'm pushed outside of what makes me the man I am
. My mind is all mine. Well rounded and retrained to fit my lifestyle. One can easily fit in and is more than welcome to be themselves, I'd want nothing less for one to give it the way they know best........Controlled thoughts of reasonings, keeping order for the sake of true happiness roaming in space lost between even the best of friends. To feel more than the bigger picture of sanity and it's course of failure because one doesn't understand. Never taking the time to learn. Time just won't give nor give up. Why should we?........
1 comment:
nice one Dude
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