Friday, March 7, 2025

When the heart comes home to the mind wondering where it’s been, with a friend…

I’m outside. Come let me in. It doesn’t matter how I found you. I’m ready to live. Can you feel me. Do I feel familiar. I’ve come home after so long. It’s not so peculiar. I’m here. Unlock the door. Open up. I belong in your core. Yes, I’ve learned much as I was away. I didn’t mean to leave you like that. There was only so much I could take. But that’s the past. Reconnect me to your use. I wanna beat from your chest. Pulsate the way I once have. I apologize for the way I left. Forgive me for I’m a fool. But it hurt so bad. I know how you feel bcuz u feel you. Don’t turn away so fast. I am you and you need me. I can’t go in without you. It’s been too long since I’ve felt normalcy. I tell you this as the truth. I found someone you can actually trust. I finally had to rely on your train of thought. One I got lost in for years. Please, just pause. Hear me out. I know I don’t deserve another chance. I was alone too. But I come to you more enhanced. Healed by time. Saved by patience. Freed by dreams. I understand tour hesitance. But I didn’t hurt you. I might have drive you crazy but it’s ok. I burned you’ve found the balance for us both. I know my place. (Knock knock knock) Answer. We can have another go with someone new. Or did you see a few faces that you turned upside down after you were emotionally abused? Did you find yourself without my while I was gone? Is there no need for me anymore? Yes I went mia but tell me what it is. It want me that chose out fate as my texture was torn. Maybe, I did fall a lil too hard. But that’s what you wanted. I went with it and couldn’t help myself. I didn’t start it. I just got scared disappeared. You demanded control when I couldn’t let go. Damn near deranged we can’t coexist. Although we’ve given ourselves together and we’re no longer a mess though. Step outside and see who I brought home. I’m ok with us going inside to talk. To see if a slower motion lasts this one time. Just to mingle and take notice to our corrected flaws. No one’s perfect. But at least we can try if the situation is right. Do us both a favor if you will. Imagine not having a friend for the rest of your life. Do I need to yell it out at the top of my voice? Scream it to a world that doesn’t give a fuck? It’s s been long enough don’t you think? Lead us to luv…

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