Saturday, March 8, 2025

Dot dot dot…

Dot dot dot. The continuance of me flows so easily. It’s not that anything has never meant much when it comes to luv. It’s just not as serious as to tare me down by the ends word of mouth. Why would I stop living when there’s others doing more than giving. My rotting isn’t yet upon the horizon and I’d hope I’m not next. As everyday hits the spot that I’m too busy creating than to miss. Dot dot dot. I’m unbothered by old luv’rs that no longer share covers. I got to keep on moving in motion bcuz it’s me whose vibe has pulsated without corrosion. As free as a drop of me can be. And I didn’t need to crop out my past to live the dream. I’m on top everyday for I can’t correct my face. Dot dot dot. Happily ever after will forever enjoy my presence if the fact is the matter. Poppin out of myself for shits and giggles bcuz I don’t pist. But it’s hot sometimes and I need a cooling a lil more soothing. It’s a lot to wand be near while I am if one can. More than not I’m a solo artist who may seem to be but I’m never heartless.

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