If, if, if I were to blow a bubble with you just to step inside of it to see in which way it rolls for us to coexist. There is no manipulation. And it’s fuck off if you by chance bring along that bs you can’t get over called emotional baggage. My circle is itsy bitsy and I refuse to have it disturbed by something I don’t allow when I’m living on my own. As for shunning and shutting down at if you’re a toddler, you can start away from me. I don’t do well with the stranger mentality bcuz you’re in your feelings that can’t get their way. And if sex is a weapon withheld, go be a lesbian. I’m not one to be controlled in any way you see fit with whatever works. It’ll be the end as sin as you get that convertible to pull that simple mindedness. You don’t havta walk on glass unless you break it. And if it’s broke I am not gonna fix it. Good riddance will be the verdict as you get a glimpse of what’s in that mirror shared at your feet. Come with no gimmicks and no lies. As growth transformed you to level up. I’m not fuckin around unless unless you have potential to be what I’d need. As your lil wet spot is just as good as your mouth doing multiple things as the mind is likewise that’s followed by your heart that never leads the charge but guides actions to be real. If I’m gonna be on some other shit that’s not just me you’re either a friend or a foe. There’s no cruising back over if I’m forced to call it quits. Fuck you. Outta the gate I’ll say it first. Step yo the side if you know you’re gonna waste my time. You will be held accountable every step of the way. Or I can go do whatever I want without you. I’ve already encountered the twists that taught me how to respond. I’ve even walked away from a couple of good ones bcuz our worlds didn’t align. I’m living proof that you’re gonna havta be the real you. Or what I’ll havta face the reality of removing your presence from my life. So if you into the belligerent outburst type ad bettering others is ok. Skip rocks bcuz I have no fucks to give. I’m not your pun cushion. I breathe the same as you. I matter…
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