When she's got her shit together n has no need to perform as being crazy to gain unneeded attention just to fill an ego... Having no purpose trying to fit in with everyone else that all mingle to be whatever the crowd expects them to be... With a twisted sense of humor that doesn't need another to be entertained... When her mentality isn't anything less than her humbleness that refuses to be disrespected... With an understanding that she's more affective to get what she wants when she keeps her head over her heart... Never come outta character knowing a friendship is worth more than emotional outbursts... As she ain't average when the bedroom door closes by far... Presenting herself in true form no matter what chameleon crosses her path... When her strength isn't a defense mechanism but a willingness to relate... It's when she needs no substances to cope with life due to she accepts what choices have brought her to be... As she's capable of feeling n able to walk away from anyone on some bs... There's just things about her that speak for themselves as she's no better or any less than anyone doing their thing... But to find such an individual who doesn't cling to wanting to change a fella isn't an easy task... But she herself knows people have their own journeys as they walk together for as long as it lasts... As others claim to be all n the above yet there's not many on her level without putting others down... she'd be the type i'll admit that's my kinda gal...
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