Monday, March 8, 2021

Too high too fast too soon...

Letting them go so they can live their life. Knowing there's nothing self can give to ease their mind. In a mature state of respect one hasta watch them step away. As a friend that cannot walk with them along their way. Feeling hands slide to fingertips never to touch again. Having no need in causing pain the releaae is a ban. To forbid a continuation diggin in to the heart. Having to halt their intent damn near from the very start. For it is self that fell short of fulfilling dreams. Leaving them before they get to deep in needs. Self hasta save them from the evident twist. Bcuz there's no belief in self being able to surrender to a kiss. The emotional aspect's bar is simply set too high. N the fall would only destroy memories that take flight. So the end creeps in to say its peace. Letting down expectations as passion bleeds. Freeing them so they can find someone that fits the mood. Hoping they don't dwell too long lost in an empty room. For apologies never seem to define the drift. But it isn't like self wouldn't like to taste their lips. It's just a matter of they shouldn't depend on luv so much. It turns off the switch that lit up worlds muted to a hush. Self will help them escape before it's too late. Wasted time can never be regained. Tears will always clear the eyes. N they'll soon realize it was all a hype. From the beginning the wall stood intact. As the key was hidden within waiting on the facts. Interests vanished as if true expressions were rarely seen. Only coming alive to the fullest when locks were picked to free the freak. They just move too fast n fail to take a peek at the truth patiently sitting still. Forcing self to decide what's best when desires are spilled. In a moment to admit something went wrong. Somehow along the way the lil light went off... They dove too soon n it fucked things up. Why can't they just relax to find an us?

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