Thursday, September 10, 2020

Short n sweet...

There's no need to hurt me for a selfish benefit... I'll step away before a scenario gets so complex... I haven't in me to feud over childish ambitions... We can be mature without being a victim to the situation... Just talk to me n I'll ease on back.. Conversation is just to see if we can remain intact... People change n it's okay to evolve even if it ain't together... It's not like there's an actual forever... So keep the righteous sideshow others luv so much... If I'm not a friend i have no use in such an ambush... I won't let u tare me apart bcuz u don't have it in u to grow up... My heart is a piece of me that matters n in it i trust... I'm just not into the harsh reality of so called hopes... That real thing is more attractive when trying to give the mind a home... As if alleviate the hurt I'll keep it short n sweet... Am i too u what u are too me.?. Do friends exist with luv transformed from likes... Without the physical pleasures where sight, emotion n touch manipulate how individuals enjoy life... To the basics of interest in which connections are created... Relate to me in a moment nothing less than an honest use could ever be imitated... Sit if u will n spin ur end of what's to be known... To open up is to trust where convo goes...

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