Friday, September 25, 2020

laying in the dark...

Who is ur pillow supposed to be at night.?. When holding on for comfort... What thought eases ur mind.?.  Is there a sense of wanting more.?. When ur laying there snug n drifting off... Slowly going under... Hoping ur dreams pull u into a silent pause... Fading to the other side where the imagination can touch a luv'r... What thought comes to u when ur arms wrap around the mental visualization of hope.?. Laid up as snug as u can possibly get in ur bed.?. Do u get a sense of home.?. A piece of self that doesn't feel so dead... Where do u go when the lights go out.?. As the silent walls can't see u toss n turn... In the middle of the room not making a sound... As the night comes along to pluck ur mind's worth... Reaching for depths that squeeze the stuffing as if it were someone real... Do u pretend to be laying about with an other jus so u can fall asleep.?. So for a split second to feel... Before u slip off into a different world following the z's...

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