Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wow! Seems i lost a few friends cuz i spoke up, not like i haven't in the past, but cuz i truly went at the jugular of belief.
 Funny how a thought could exchange a friendship on any level that stands convicted as if a thief.
 I'm not tryin to steal anyone's train of thought that differs from that of my own.
 I jus wanna be heardd the way I listen to the others sides apparent reason in facts that seem to be bowed.
 Am i not human as i stand beside u in my truist form, unguarded n livin in this world's b.s.?
 Y is it anyone can say what they want to bout religion n believin as long as it's in a god like tone of voice no matter what religion it is?
 Until an atheist speaks their mind, everything is debatable for conversation of difference.
 It's cool cuz the loss is not mine. Nor is it within me losin myself to the imaginations independence.
 False idols do not live here, burried in my roots so deep beneath reality.
 That doesn't mean I'm anything less of what i was moments ago when we shot the shit eye to eye.
 Looks as if I'm the outcast after all when it should be reversed for y'all r the ones who pretends a higher bein lives in the sky.
 N i apologize to anyone who i offend cuz its not like me to attack anyone for what defines them as them.
 Then again I'm the one who's sighed upon as if I'm wrong for bein real. The far n in between r jus rare gems

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