Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Normal...... to be self. Truly let yourself come alive n live. Not carin what an other thinks. Enjoyin ur time. Normal..... not bein like others or followin suit for they claim to be different by actin like someone else which makes them like everyone else which is abnormal. yet in this world its become normal in a way the term normal has lost its meanin of what it truly means to be self. As an individual. Normal..... when u have become u cuz in ur world everything is jus that, normal..... its not til u alter yourself for an others ways u become abnormal cuz ur not yourself. Normal.... has become a figure of speech that somehow understandin the logic in thought of what the actual word normal is. Normal...... jus be u n fuck everyone that doesnt understand or thinks ur weird. Cuz normal is weird for we r not all the same. That's what makes this world a great place. U never know who ur gonna meet thatll interest the other end of difference causin curiosities wonder. Normal...... sometimes it may appear ur crazy dysfucntinal. Yet in reality those who seem to be perfect havent found themself as of yet. Normal..... do u get it???

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