Wednesday, January 22, 2014

hidden conditions

Could u luv unconditionally if someone was wrong.
Or is it u to accept givin up n hearin the same fuckin song.
Cuz reality will show u, u r really alone in an end.
Bringin forth two begginings n an other foe that was once a friend.
One in which findin self again after time has ran out.
N the filth of hidden pain is spit from the mouth.
The other is a new face stairin u down in between space.
Wantin to walk as long as life allows one an other to enjoy a mate.
So when do u think workin shit out has come to steppin on the line.
Findin reason to simply accept we all fuck up on lifes ride.
Or is backin down easier as turnin round sux as u jus give the fuck up.
On what once was the greatest thing u ever felt as luv.
Is it when trust didnt prove itself in a moment of truth.
Makin u realize the brutal realization of honesty is cut loose.
Only a few of us rise to another other level n get ripped apart.
Privileged, yet that's lifes way of moldin the character that becomes chard.
Like the heart thats been let down so many times as we say were done.
Losin more than partner that gave up n now motionless on the run.
It all starts n will always be in the head that loses focus along the way.
As someone will feel abandoned n alone without a luv that can never be saved.
Communication, willingness n honesty is the foundation of relations.
N one t1me is all we get before emotions starts the excavation.
Know ur part n give as if u wanted to receive ur own luv given.
Or two true friends will wind up livin solo as worths r hidden conditions.

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