Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Under covers. Close. Wrapped with a luv`r
Felt by touch. Snuggled. So fuckin flush.
Skin connects. Comfort. Livin the test.
Held n holdin on. Fallin. Passions core.
Bein felt. Accepted. Bodies on tilt.
Leanin In. Sinkin. Quietly feindin.
Emotionally game. Ready. Things have changed.
Next level layin . Wantin. Truth escapin.
Openin up. Cheesin. Needin so much.
In a,moment. Time. As still as kisses rollin.
Face to face. Flippin. Pulse pickin up pace.
Triggerin the crave. Intamacy. Under the night of day.
Fingers roam. Grip. Hormones explode.
Taste becomes pleasure. Magnificent. Finally together.
Showin interest. Play! Lifes finest.

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