Monday, June 3, 2024

Unfamiliar changes...

Seeking words to explain the feel escaping the effort to do do better. As the mind is scrambled up on life with a lack there of time to float like a feather. Something that can't be captured in thought is missing when days settle into the night. From weekends to holidays to the in between moments that fade without a memory. Long list dreams believed gathering familiar smiles would've filled the heart's feel that gone somewhat empty. With wonders falling into the darkness behind the eyes. Digging deep into the what happened to what was supposed to be remembered in the now of simply breathing. It's different than the want of daydreams from so long ago. From a cold to a you're to a new man that evolved into an older WTF. It isn't what comfort ever had thunk. As letters don't form to what can't be said. Damn near misplaced is everything it was all supposed to be. And yet here sits the makings of reality in need. Having the wants along the way that fall short of the thrill still awaiting what's absent becoming a home. As a sigh clings to a moan...

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