Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Ever changing...

What can't be seen behind a smile rests the emptiness hidden in the eyes. Within the design is the details of life taking it's toll on the mind. With muted words never to touch the lips nor gasp in a sigh waiting on a luv'r. What lies beneath the surface is a depth dug to bury one friend after another. In turn as in order from start to finish. As feelings drift in thoughts remembering the undertow of emotions that were made to feel squeamish. What sits just outta view from the knowing. Others need not point at the entanglements defining the overthrowing. For inner content to lay in the shadow only to move like a puppet. To mimic a facial gesture as if a half hearted grin placed upon a muppet. Telling tales of the good put in front of the world to be displayed. As the changing of the stare has no need in anymore games...

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