Sunday, May 2, 2021

5,000 ways...

Touch me n I'll tell u if i feel that shit. It's not likely but I'll be honest if u can accept every syllable that comes from my lips. For one found wear i wad looking fur some time ago. Or so i thought as yrs gone past has humbled me in my moments alone. Reach out n grope my skin. Bit do it in a way that makes my nerves pause. Damn near in shock to the interacting as if u crumbled my walls. I'm not gonna tell u what u wanna hear. Nor fake the mood to fit myself into ur panties falling to pull u near. I'm a bit diffetent I'm many ways. N yeah there's something I'm awaiting to correct the display upon my face. U may do for a whole or possibly sink in. But how will we ever know if contact isn't allowed to live? I know rejection hurts but to try is a matter of giving it a go. N i believe everyone somewhere has a home. So use ur finger n try to put a print on my heart. See id ur hand can get beneath the surface to shutboff all the alarms. Changes is whatbi can admit needs to give way. Unless ur affraid of losing at the attempt it takes to create a smile upon my face. Bcuz it might be me that doesn't fit in ur world. Even if i craved the exlerience to enjoy an us as i hold only ur hand as my girl. Felt is mutual n i just may br the one in the wind. Neva know so what's up with finding out with the the way we live? I could shun u n make u feel as if ur not good enough but it wouldn't be my intent. But in return the end of trying could be u laughing as u turn on unless time spent. Or things could enjoy a horizon lifting us into a new day claiming what's meant. Butvfuck the emotional aspect if there's not a friend to gain. Honest is best when relatimg to the mood of the m moment looking to last beyond the hyoes fame. In 5,000 ways to say i could use someone to ease my mind. There's a rebelion to believe the game is too much to feed into. But if u somehow u fill the void as in u make inner makings move. Damn u in a sense of it's about time. As it takes two to collaborate truthfully for a piece of mind. Worth one after another resins of why we can't leave each other alone. N if it's a no, there's no hard feelings bcuz we are grown. My thought is it Congress down ti do we want what we're used to or something new? Even if u don't look my way, i live loose. Moving to the vibe of what's good for me. The same way ur patience play with ur own defined curiosities....

This is 5,000 writings/diddles as i call them...

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