Monday, April 29, 2019

in a moment to wonder...

what do u look like so i know who to turn to... say something... that way i can listen to the comfort i've never known...  i only want on thing... n that's jus what i'm willing to give... yet i don't know which way to go to cross ur path... u could be right in front of me n i wouldn't see u... touch me so i can feel u laugh... free me from this wonder on my mind... lift the creation my smile forms as my eyes rest upon ur face... for once i'd like to figure out what a true piece of mind is... jus say my fuckin name... witness the spark that ignites everything i've held on to... waiting for the moment to express the hidden dreams... held closer than my own heart damn near seizing up... i jus wanna reach for u as my hands are able to grasp ur life finally willing to breathe... as these are things i imagine ur talking to yourself about... somewhat lost on an emotional level tucked deep in the mind... kept safe from the others posing to be me... be my reasons of why... luv won't cost u a thing other than to jus live... but ur gonna havta come from the sea of pretenders that cater to their own selfish ways... jus step from the outta the spotlight n lemme fall in to u... we can move untamed by time n get after what we've longed to gain... finding the silent nights n days lengths the purpose of thoughts here in reality... caring n maturing for the endless keep of passions hope... i jus need to smell ur scent n lay sights upon ur loving ways... my luv, i'm looking to eventually come home...

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