people hate something about others yet don't want no one hating them... i jus wish the world would grow the fuck up n live... hypocrites... fake... pretending to be gems... calling others names... smiling in faces in which they have two... one for those like them n then there's the front when away from everything they've known... it be nice if people could see differences as the beauty of who we are... instead there's judgement's that linger playing parts... roles to be what they're suppose to be by the standards of others claiming no one cares what anyone thinks... even racial tensions of classifications are fed into when living jus needs to take place yet it's jus a dream... be like me or fuck u... i don't wanna be like u... n when someone crosses limits they're shunned bcuz of pigmentation's that separate the weak minded... the none thinkers without a natural sense of reason as they're jus roaming around blinded... allowing self to become stereotypes n hateful towards other humans when the system has us all... i'll take to real individuals that do not like their minds fucked raw... as it's birds to the drama based bs most feel the need to force onto others who don't live the way they do... n it's every walk of life that cannot accept the greatest thing ever as we're all here together on the move... adding to the confusion is not attractive but it is what's been in for quite some yrs... talking like everyone else n hiding within a disturbed state of mind that creates fear... acting out n downing what they do not know... it's jus another act of ignorance on display to become better than who wearing imaginary thrones.?.
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