Sunday, April 21, 2019

friends like no other...

to speak of luv is to find a friend in which self can trust...
loosening the heart so likes can feel more than the rush...
as backs turn to not needing to worry of what goes on...
in plain sight proving words meant in true form is a norm....
as one with an other in moments that find harmony's flow...
able to communicate no matter the issue in a lil place called home...
awakening to the same face one jus could never get tired of seeing...
happy as fuck jus to be so close to them while they're still breathing...
to talk of emotion there's a certain mentality that makes it real...
willing to relate for no two are the same individuals in the way they feel...
yet the meet n greet in the middle of life tells a tale in the makings...
as vibes send tremors through the chest as pounds ripple with the shaking...
in an undeniable state of knowing who the mind needs to enjoy its peace...
never to say no if it is to benefit the outcome of being free...

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