Thursday, May 4, 2017

When it dies...

Click clique... Lookin down the barrel of luv... Seems the aim took me into its sights... Pressed against my chest feelin my own loss of that feenin of the long lost rush... The squeeze fired a shot singled out as a pop through me released the fight... Blown free from the clutch on the pistol grip... Out the backside takin anything she instilled within as resemblin luvs touch jus didn't seem to matter...  Lookin me dead in the eyes laughin like I ain't shit... There went my heart drainin yet another that meant more than the last splattered on the wall... Carvin names in a emotions moment of forever engraved to remember... She went n did it n I let it be so I can find me a new life... No, we're no longer together... Dead n floatin in the puddle face down yet I ain't mad... The revolver spun n the smoke danced in my own delusional eyes... I felt it enter as it exited with the excitment of it bein over... Damn, the truth jus doesn't know how to lie...

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