Sunday, May 21, 2017

Thing is are u the type that can handle an actual real man? Most females talk some bullshit n can't perform when it comes down to it... Always on some lil girl shit... N I'm not the one to be tested... How in the fuck is it in which u stand? Bcuz men have been put on blast yet the majority of so called grown women jus likes the self entitlement of bein independent like ur shit smells any better than ours... I don't fuck with certain people bcuz I pay attention n there's things I don't wanna be judgemental on so I let em go on by... But y'all... Lol... Y'all... Yeah... Y'all be on some goofy as shit like it's all men when u can't look at ur fuckin self long enough to realize it's u to... Yup... U to... We do some dumb shit but the real ones at least learn from it... So to ask a question, when is it time to grow up... I didn't hurt u n u don't know me on that level to think I'd even do u wrong... Vice versa for y'all that think u gotta respond on some of Butchie B Butch is fucked up... Nah.. we see shit y'all do to... Fr... Check yourself before u point fingers bcuz we all do our own fuckin bs in relations n not a one of us innocent of a mutha fuckin thing... Stop!!!  How is it you'd stand before a man as a woman? Put the pasts down... It's winning... Fuck y'all... Fire back... Lmao

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