Thursday, May 29, 2014

thoughts that fizzle

I jus wanna speak out loud n say what's on my mind I'm fingerin.
Clear my head so the b.s. comes to close the thoughts lingerin.
Out I'm the open so truths aren't bitten by three myth held shut.
Standin for what's real tryin to get its my head yellin shut the fuck up.
Jus correct n bout it to the point if know wtf it really is.
Cuz I'm tired of gargling Weiss that don't reach the honesty expressed.
N I ain't never been the one to hold in what doesn't need to be suppressed.
I'm comin unglued inside beatin round the bush that's been trimmed for pressure.
Hire in the fuck is it I'm expected to think of immaturity as a treasure?
Beans r bout to burn as smoke pours out sendin signals like an Indian.
Across the horizon where ur head seems to be stuck n u believe ur runnin again.
Funny shit is how I sit inside myself n play with the thoughts that fizzle.
N u don't even know I'm bout to sitting to ur jugulars drizzle.

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