Saturday, April 13, 2013


What is a man? When do we become one? When does one know he's made it? Earning the title............... it's not until he is on his death bed as his family surrounds him. Knowin he has done everything possible to do more than what was expected of him. Ready to pass the torch. Learnin as he was taught. Loved as he was loved. Felt as he enjoyed those in his life. In the last moments is when we males realize if we have indeed became a man. For it will be known without a word bein spoke. He knows what he is. A man knows when he has crossed into an elite group of individuals not all of us can understand. Not a moment sooner. Anyone who claims to be a man before their time, hasn't a clue of what a man is. We all still have much to learn. Simply put, on the road to becoming a man, one will learn of himself daily n fix his flaws as he fills his shoes eventually everyday!

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