There is a time in every ones life when that feeling comes along. Breaking through the shell after being alone for ever long. Sneaking up out of no where it creeps upon the will of the soul. As the emotion loses all sense of everything they knew and ever known. Giving more meaning to the little things misplaced in time. Showing what one has become to make it as they have their very own chance to shine. Individuals bound before life even took place. Made in heaven above as the hearts race for the taste. Once in a lifetime the calling is ready to be heard. Easing the simplest things of even the edgy disturbed nerve. It is a blessing sent from the curtain in the sky when one has opened up. Truly fit to give self in a way and understand a thing called love. Self can not express the comfort that is given within. Through the power of devotion is the only way to win. Will and respect earning trust along the way. Finding a friend in one other that completes the dream least to say. Whole and over due with fear long gone. Giving into a voice so sweet to the ear, it could never be wrong. Guided by the need of another for they get you in more ways than one. Enjoying moments becoming memories of life until it is done. Reaching, one can feel the connection without ever being touched. Close enough to fein for more, knowing they are loved. In the hands of the one ones waited for so long. A silhouette with a face pleasing where one belongs. Being one as two join with contentment in their hearts. Thankful that god has allowed them to have their start. Fairytales coming to life as prayers are answered. But not until the lord sees fit the willingness of happily every after. Love comes and goes and the past reflects ones face. Yet when that one individual rises to the occasion, eyes begin to glaze. Words flow as the eyes leak with joy in their minds redirection to enjoy a true lover. Realizing they have found within themselves what they would never do for another. No ends, no boundaries, anything is ones everything. And one will sit and think wow! can this really be happening. When the fulfillment of completion brings out the best. No one else will ever do, for this one is not like the rest. Soaking in the warmth of the skin applied by the ease of a fingers stroke. Making the heart skip beats as the tender mending is what one seeks the most. Knowing without a doubt why one has been put in your life, knowing their purpose. There is no more wondering around looking and feeling worthless. For the second of getting close enough to endure the long lost desire. It clicks without warning and life would not be the same if you did not leap and walk the wire. Compassion fills ones intuition of becoming absorbed with happiness. And when love comes to call, one will know how truly thankful they are for this.
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